Friday, December 05, 2008
Sel Stem dan Statistik Transplantasi Darah Tali Pusat
Apakah Statistik Kegunaan Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat?
Salam dan semoga Sihat Sejahtera.
Baru-baru ini Saya telah mendapat beberapa soalan mengenai kegunaan sel stem darah tali pusat bayi.
Untuk soalan pertama, pembaca perlu menjawab beberapa soalan. Adakah pesakit sedang berulang ke hospital untuk dirawat oleh pakar Thalassaemia? Jika tidak, mungkin keadaan mereka, setakat ini, belum memerlukan rawatan. Jika ya, pembaca perlu tekun menyoal dan menyaran pakar Thalassaemia supaya meneliti samada keadaan pesakit sudah menurun dan perlu dirawat dengan kaedah lain seperti sel stem?
Sel stem boleh didapati dari sum-sum tulang, tetapi tekniknya agak invasif. Cara yang lebih senang untuk mendapatkanya ialah dari darah tali pusat yang diambil semasa bayi dilahirkan. Kedua-dua sumber ini ada bezanya dari segi kematangan sel, kaedah penggunaan, risiko dan keberkesananya.
Sel stem darah tali pusat bayi, jika disimpan semasa bayi dilahirkan, memang besar potensinya untuk diggunakan. Tetapi, ada beberapa syarat yang perlu dipatuhi. Darah tali pusat mestilah mengandungi jumlah sel stem yang mencukupi, padanan HLA yang tinggi dan tidak berpenyakit.
Sel Stem dari bayi perlu sepadan (secara ujian darah HLA) dengan sel kakak atau abangnya. Jika separa sepadan atau sepadan sepenuhnya, memang ada potensi ianya digunakan untuk menolong merawat kakak atau abang. Sel stem juga perlu bebas dari Thalassaemia dan penyakit lain. Pakar Thalassaemia perlu memutuskan samada keadaan pesakit sudah kritikal dan memerlukan rawatan sel stem.
Proses pengambilan darah tali pusat perlu dilakukan semasa bayi dilahirkan. Sejurus selepas bayi dilahirkan, dan sebelum uri dilahirkan. Doktor di Hospital akan mengambil darah dari tali pusat. Prosesnya senang, seperti proses derma darah biasa. Ianya cepat dan tidak melukakan bayi atau ibu. Kami tidak mengambil tali pusat atau pun uri. Penggunaan sel stem darah tali pusat dalam perubatan boleh dilakukan tanpa keraguan kerana pihak JAKIM telah pun mengeluarkan Fatwa pada tahun 2002.
Kami akan membekukan dan menyimpan sel stem darah tali pusat ini untuk kegunaan bayi sendiri atau mungkin untuk kegunaan kakak atau abangnya dimasa hadapan.
Apabila Pakar Thalassaemia berpendapat rawatan susulan kakak/Abang memang diperlukan, dan sel stem dijangka boleh memberi kesan, pakar-pakar akan meminta supaya sel stem darah tali pusat yang disimpan dibawa ke hospital untuk digunakan.
Pesakit Thalassaemia juga mungkin boleh mendapatkan sel stem darah tali pusat dari pihak Bank Darah Kerajaan di Pusat Darah Negara, KL,
Senangkah untuk mendapatkan sel stem ini?
Saya belum pernah melihat statistik di Malaysia yang boleh menolong untuk membuat anggaran tepat. Sel stem yang disimpan di PDN telah didermakan. Agak sukar untuk membuat anggaran samada sel stem, yang sepadan dengan pesakit, boleh didapati dengan senang di Bank Darah Kerajaan atau pun tidak.
Saya pernah membaca di akhbar New Straits Times, 14 Ogos 2006, yang melaporkan pada masa itu, terdapat 17 kanak-kanak yang memerlukan transplantasi sel stem tetapi terpaksa menunggu untuk mendapatkan sel stem dengan padanan yang sesuai. Wartawan juga melaporkan bahawa ada yang tidak dapat menunggu dan tidak dapat diselamatkan walaupun Pusat Darah Negara telah menyimpan lebih kurang 1,000 beg sel stem darah tali pusat.
Jumlah itu, dari segi statistik, terlalu rendah untuk membekalkan darah tali pusat bagi pesakit yang memerlukanya. Ada beberapa anggaran yang sering disebut di laman web-laman web bank darah tali pusat. Anggaran untuk mendapatkan sel stem, bukan dari keluarga sendiri, yang sepadan dengan pesakit adalah dalam lingkungan 1 dalam 20,000. Dengan statistik kebarangkalian padanan yang amat rendah ini, peluang 17 kanak-kanak itu kelihatan agak tipis. Alternatif lain perlu di usahakan. Sebab itulah, kita sering dapat membaca dalam akhbar-akhbar tempatan pesakit-pesakit merayu untuk mendapatkan dermaan sel stem. Sebab itulah juga mengapa ramai pelanggan kami menyimpan sel stem sendiri bagi kegunaan keluarga sendiri.
Pembaca juga boleh layari laman web Persatuan Transplantasi Malaysia, dimana terdapat Senarai Transplantasi Kebangsaan. Laporan itu menunjukkan setakat tahun 2006, 1174 pesakit telah menggunakkan sel stem dimana 50 telah menggunakkan samada sel stem darah tali pusat sahaja ataupun dengan tambahan sel stem yang didapati dari sum-sum tulang.
Setakat ini Syarikat StemLife Berhad telah menyimpan sel stem darah tali pusat untuk lebih dari 23,000 pelanggan. Empat (4) pelanggan kami telah berjaya menggunakan sel stem darah tali pusat mereka samada untuk abang, kakak atau adik mereka dalam menolong merawat penyakit Leukaemia dan Thalassaemia. Satu (1) telah dirawat di Hospital Kuala Lumpur dan tiga (3) di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya.
Pembaca juga disyorkan untuk melayari laman web dan untuk mendapatkan statistik simpanan/kegunaan di seluruh dunia dan di rantau Asia Pasifik. Laman web yang kedua ada membentangkan jumlah simpanan ahli-ahli persatuan iaitu bank-bank sel stem darah tali pusat terkemuka di rantau Asia Pasifik yang pada masa ini dipengerusikan oleh Pengarah Urusan StemLife Berhad.
Saya harap telah dapat menjawab beberapa soalan anda. Jika jawapan yang lebih terperinci diperlukan, sila hantarkan nombor anda kepada dan kami boleh menghubungi anda untuk memberi maklumat yang lebih mendalam lagi.
Sekian buat masa ini......Wslm..WBK.......................
Monday, November 03, 2008
Bank Sel Stem sudah lama wujud dalam bidang perubatan!
Salam Sejahtera kepada rakan-rakan saya sekelian, ibu-bapa, bakal ibu-bapa, pengunjung/pembaca blog ini.
Kebelakangan ini Menteri Kesihatan Malaysia Y.B. Dato’ Liow Tiong Lai telah melawat premis kami di Wisma Perintis untuk melihat sendiri operasi pengambilan sel stem dewasa StemLife serta untuk memahami dengan lebih mendalam lagi status penggunaan sel stem dewasa dalam bidang kepakaran penyakit jantung, barah darah, dan kecederaan sendi serta mendapat penjelasan mengenai projek-projek penyelidikan yang giat dijalankan di seluruh dunia.
Beliau telah menekankan komitmen Kerajaan dalam mengunakkan teknologi sel stem dalam bidang perubatan di Malaysia. Pada pendapat saya, ini adalah kerana fakta-fakta adalah jelas sekali tentang potensi sel stem dalam menolong pakar-pakar perubatan menangani beberapa penyakit yang setakat ini amat sukar ditangani. Ini sekaligus meningkatkan kebolehan pakar-pakar Negara supaya tidak ketinggalan zaman.
Seperti yang disiarkan akhbar-akhbar tempatan, Kerajaan menyokong bidang penyelidikan sel stem. Kabinet telah membuat peruntukkan lebih RM32juta untuk mengembangkan dan mengukuhkan aktiviti perbankan sel stem. RM5.86juta untuk memulakan makmal transplantasi sel stem di Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan (IMR). RM18.87juta untuk mengembangkan kemudahan simpanan sel stem darah tali pusat di Pusat Darah Negara dan di Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Sungai Petani. Kerajaan juga telah memperuntukan RM5.57juta untuk mengukuhkan perkhidmatan transplantasi sel stem dan sum-sum tulang di Hospital Ampang. Ini diharapkan akan meningkatkan jumlah simpanan beg sel stem darah tali pusat dan mengukuhkan tahap kemudahan perbankan kerajaan. Kami berharap pihak Kerajaan akan menyediakan peruntukan yang lebih dimasa akan datang supaya fasiliti dan kemudahan tempatan dapat bertanding diarena antarabangsa.
Ramai mungkin telah membaca akhbar-akhbar tempatan dan luar negara yang sering menerbitkan kes-kes rayuan pesakit untuk mencari penderma sel stem dan juga dermaan kewangan yang diperlukan dalam masa yang suntuk dan keadaan tertekan. Mengapakah ini boleh berlaku jika stok simpanan sel stem bank darah dalam dan luar negara mencukupi? Besar kemungkinan memang stoknya tidak mencukupi dan juga agak sukar bagi seorang pesakit untuk mendapatkan sel stem yang sepadan dengan sistem darah pesakit itu sendiri. Anggaran kebarangkalian mendapatkan penderma sel stem adalah satu (1) dalam dua puluh ribu (20,000) dan kebawah. Ini bermakna, jika saya memerlukan sel stem, terpaksalah saya mempelawa 20,000 rakan untuk diuji dan mungkin hanya 1 akan sepadan dan boleh menderma. Kemungkinan mendapatkan penderma bukanlah rendah sangat, tetapi, ia mungkin akan mengambil masa yang agak lama jika tiada simpanan sendiri. Ini seakan ”Sindrom Waiting List”.
Sepertimana kita boleh lihat dalam industri perubatan Malaysia, inisiatif swasta boleh dan perlu diusahakan seiring dengan inisiatif Kerajaan. Ini jelas dilihat dimana terdapat kewujudan Hospital Kerajaan dan Hospital Swasta, Doktor Kerajaan dan juga ramai lagi Doktor Swasta. Sudah terbukti di seluruh dunia kewujudan Bank Sel Stem Kerajaan/NGO boleh wujud seiring Bank Sel Stem Swasta malah beberapa bank Kerajaan/NGO dan Bank Swasta di UK telah berjaya berganding bahu untuk menawarkan perkhidmatan menyeluruh supaya warganegara dapat memilih perkhidmatan yang memenuhi kehendak mereka.
Bank Sel Stem darah tali pusat telah mula beroperasi di dunia mulai awal tahun ’90an. Bank-bank di Singapura, Taiwan, Korea, Jepun, Hong Kong sudah beroperasi lebih 10 tahun. Setakat ini terdapat anggaran 150 bank-bank darah tali pusat Kerajaan, NGO dan Swasta di dunia. Anda boleh layari laman web untuk mendapatkan senarai bank-bank swasta dan Kerajaan/NGO. Negara-negara yang tidak membenarkan operasi bank sel stem swasta hanya segelintir sahaja. Kebanyakkan negara-negara besar di dunia seperti Amerika Syarikat, Kanada, UK, Perancis, Jerman, Australia, New Zealand dan kebanyakkan Negara Asia membenarkan malah menyediakan polisi, akta-akta, garispanduan dan piawaian supaya bank-bank in dapat berkembang serta menyumbang kepada Ekonomi Negara sambil meningkatkan tahap penyelidikan sel stem di negara masing-masing.
Dalam Tanahair pula, apa status nya? Bank sel stem StemLife telah beroperasi semenjak tahun 2001. Kami telah dijemput oleh ’Multimedia Development Coorporation’(MDC) untuk membuka makmal simpanan kami di Cyberjaya dan diberi status MSC. Makmal kami mula beroperasi di Cyberjaya di bangunan MDC iaitu ’Center for Health Innovation & Medical Enterprises’ (CHIME) yang dirasmikan oleh YB Tun Perdana Menteri pada tahun 2002. Bank sel stem Kerajaan di Pusat Darah Negara juga telah dibuka disekitar tahun-tahun yang berdekatan. Kali pertama Sel Stem dewasa/sum-sum tulang telah digunakkan dalam perubatan di hospital Tanahair adalah pada tahun 1987. Sel Stem darah tali pusat pula mula digunakkan di hospital tempatan pada tahun 1997. Setakat tahun 2006, Registry Transplantasi Kebangsaan telah mencatatkan 1,174 kes kegunaan sel stem yang dilaporkan oleh hospital-hospital tempatan Kerajaan dan swasta.
Pada tahun 2006, StemLife telah berjaya disenaraikan di bursa saham BSKL dibawah MESDAQ dan disenaraikan sebagai Stok Syariah. Pada tahun itu juga Jawatankuasa Etika Penyelidikan dibawah naungan KKM dan MOSTI telah mengeluarkan ’Garispanduan Penyelidikan Sel Stem’. Garispanduan ini juga menyatakan hasrat Kerajaan untuk menyokong dan mengembangkan penyelidikan sel stem dalam Negara.
Setelah terbukti kejayaan StemLife, beberapa lagi bank swasta sel stem telah mula beroperasi termasuk pembekal sel stem haiwan. Ramai yang mula membuat kenyataan dalam akhbar-akhbar tempatan mengenai keberkesanan produk mereka. Dalam usaha untuk menjaga kepentingan pengguna/pesakit, pada bulan Mac tahun 2008, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia telah mula mengeluarkan lesen dibawah Akta PHFS 1998 lalu menghadkan operasi kepada 4 bank sel stem darah tali pusat sahaja. Bersamaan dengan itu juga, KKM telah menerbitkan ’Piawaian Kebangsaan - Bank Darah Tali Pusat dan Transplantasi’.
Laporan juga menyatakan bahawa pihak KKM sedang dalam proses menyediakan ’Garispanduan Penyelidikan dan Terapi Sel Stem’ serta ’Piawaian Kebangsaan - Terapi Sel Stem’.
Pada masa akan datang, kami berpendapat Terapi Sel Stem akan menjadi salah satu dari Tiga teras perubatan setanding dengan bidang famasi dan bidang pembedahan. Sejarah perkembangan Kedua-dua bidang ini telah berkurun/berabad lamanya. Sesuatu ubat/prosedur pembedahan selalunya mengambil masa 10 tahun keatas untuk diselidik dan disahkan/diluluskan kegunaan dan keberkesananya. Sejarah bidang Sel Stem Dewasa/Sum-sum Tulang sudah dekat 50 tahun manakala Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat dekat 20 tahun. Ini adalah jankamasa yang amat singkat kalau dibandingkan dengan bidang famasi. Tetapi, keberkesananya telah diiktiraf di seluruh dunia. Sekurang-kurangya 100,000 pesakit setahun menggunakkan sel stem di seluruh dunia.
Adakah statistik ini memberangsangkan? Sudah tentu. Bagi saya, jika saya berhadapan dengan statistik sedih penyakit kanser darah seperti Lukimia, sudah tentu saya akan berusaha dan merayu supaya pakar-pakar tempatan mencuba teknologi sel stem terkini yang diamalkan di luar negara dan bukan hanya mengesyorkan teknologi yang sudah lama diamalkan. Sampai bila hendak ketinggalan 20 tahun?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Irish Medicine Board Consults Professor Colin McGuckin on Cord Blood Stem Cells
Since Prof. Colin visited us in April this year and shared with us the difficulty of convincing medical experts that cord blood stem cells provide a real alternative to bone marrow and are able to produce various cell lineages, I was most delighted to see that Irish Authorities are finally acknowledging that cord blood stem cells are useful and can be banked for their citizen's use (see previous entry on Cavan General Hospital).
Ireland has pretty high incidences of cancer, inline with the rest of the world, although the treatment of it may be restricted due to the available medical facilities and services offered to the patients. Ireland has one of the worst cancer survival incidences in Europe.
If you're wondering if cord blood stem cells really can be used in cancer treatment in adults, have a look at this article citing one of the world's most famous transplanters, Prof. Mary Laughlin who is the haematologist and oncologist at Case Comprehensive Cancer Center and University Hospitals of Cleveland Ireland Cancer Center.
Just in case the article is taken offline, the article is below:
By Fiachra O'Cionnaith
Friday July 18 2008
Official policy banning the retrieval of cord blood stem cells at Dublin's three main maternity hospitals could be set to come to an end under new Department of Health plans.
Since August 2005, official policy at the Rotunda, the Coombe and the National Maternity Hospital has meant that requests from new mothers for medics to retrieve stem cells from the umbilical cord have fallen on deaf ears.
But after confirmation from the Department of Health that it has met with international experts over the possibility of creating a public cord blood stem cell bank for medical and research purposes, the official policy ban may now be overruled.
Since the cord blood stem cell retrieval technology became a reality, a wide-ranging international debate has raged over the use of stem cells obtained in this way.
Those in favour of the medical technique say that cord blood stem cells significantly improve the chances of using the stem cells in question to help treat future medical conditions in the newborn baby or their relatives.
But opponents have countered by pointing to ethical concerns over the use of cord blood stem cells and have added that there is not yet enough long-term research to support the claims made about the technique.
As a result of the increased profile of the cord blood stem cell retrieval -- which has been used in over 10,000 births, mainly in the US -- a rising number of Irish mothers have asked for the procedure when giving birth.
Until recently, they have been told the matter was against hospital policy at Dublin's three maternity hospitals, with a formal policy clarification signed by the Masters of the Rotunda, the Coombe, and the National Maternity Hospital in August 2005 noting: "There is insufficient scientific research to support the procedure of taking cord blood for stem cell retrieval. The three maternity hospitals do not support requests to take core blood for stem cell retrieval."
However, speaking to the Herald today, the head of the Irish Patients Association Stephen McMahon said that the Department of Health is now considering plans to potentially bring the policy to an end.
The Department of Health has confirmed that after consulting international experts on the matter it is now considering establishing a public bank for the storage of cord blood stem cells for medicinal and research purposes.
It is continuing to hold meetings with "relevant" interest groups on the matter.
Last week the Department, the HSE, the Irish Blood Transfusion Service and the Irish Medicines Board met with international expert Professor Colin McGuckin of the Institute of Human Genetics at the UK's Newcastle University to hear the benefits of freezing cord blood cells for future use.
The international expert said that the only major hurdle to the plans was the current financial restrictions in the health service.
- Fiachra O'Cionnaith
Monday, July 21, 2008
Stem Cell Snake Oil? When a rotten apple spoils the whole barrel
Well, there's been lots happening in the stem cell world and if you've been keeping up with the news (and if you've been doing that, you definitely have had more time than I have) you'll have seen the many various promotions by new companies, the new technological adoptions and the wide-scale criticism of certain organizations who offer purported stem cell treatments without credible medical data or volunteer themselves for western methods of accreditation and inspection.
There has been most unfortunate reports the media, highlighting the cases of families being "conned" into stem cell treatments and spending hard-earned or hard-raised cash flying to exotic countries for injections. The media certainly portray these families as having no money and no idea as to what they are getting into and are therefore considered "victims" of scams.
It does seem to me that some of these criticisms of the various centers, while valid, give too much credit and sympathy to the patient. Patients who are willing to spend that amount of money should certainly conduct their own research first and opt to try something experimental, knowing that the outcome at best may be to return home safely after a vacation from their usual drudgery and hopefully no worse than what conventional drugs or palliative treatment can offer.
Some of these centers have claims of miraculous cures and patients who have shown remarkable improvements in their conditions. What I'm wondering is whether these centers have been invited to the table to present their work and explain why they think a particular treatment worked in some patients and not in others.
The stem cell world is still new and many issues surrounding the understanding of how stem cells migrate and assist in tissue regeneration have yet to be elucidated.
In any case, the jury is still out and therefore it all depends on whether you believe in "innocent until proven guilty" or "guilty until proven innocent". Criticism is always easier when you haven't got a sick child or a parent with an incurable disease. Desperation itself is a powerful motivating factor to try anything or to try nothing, and is the individual's or family's decision.
One of the biggest problems that a patient faces is access to information and doctors who are really willing to discuss the issues knowledgeably and openly. Doctors could also inform the patients that there are no guarantees in any medical treatment and in the cases of the currently "incurable", inform the parents of the basis of the disease and why stem cells may or may not be able to help.
A short list of questions that might be useful for potential patient to ask are:
1) Are these treatments performed in licensed hospitals?
2) Who are the doctors performing the treatments?
3) How are the stem cells applied?
4) What is the source of the stem cells?
5) Can I see your laboratory facility? (sterility controls, infectious disease etc)
6) Can my medical doctor speak with your medical director?
7) What is the track record of your patients? (success vs. failures, how many still alive?)
8) What other therapies/ treatments do I have to undergo?
9) Adequate back-up facilities for complications?
There are no right or wrong answers but its good to understand the main motives of the providing organization to know whether it is purely for profit and the injections may only be saline.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat Bayi - diiktiraf di seluruh Dunia!
Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat Bayi - diiktiraf di seluruh Dunia!
Assalamualaikum WBK,
Salam Sejahtera kepada rakan-rakan saya sekelian, ibu-bapa, bakal ibu-bapa, pengunjung/pembaca blog ini.
Beberapa hari kebelakangan ini kami telah mengambil bahagian dalam program-program ceramah topik Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat dan kegunaanya dalam menangani masaalah Leukemia dan Talasemia di beberapa lokasi yang telah dianjurkan oleh beberapa organisasi berwawasan sempena Hari Ibu yang diraikan beramai-ramai bulan ini.
Organisasi termasuk Bank Negara, Pusat Perubatan MUIP dan Sekolah Sri Ayesha. Ketiga-tiga telah mengundang kami sebagai Pakar Sel Stem kerana ingin mendapatkan penjelasan yang terkini. Para hadirin ketiga-tiga program ingin penjelasan mengenai pengiktirafan dan status perkhidmatan Sel Stem darah Tali Pusat. Bersama-sama kami di Bank Negara adalah Ratu Jazz Sheila Majid yang telah turut serta di majlis ini kerana beliau juga telah menyimpan Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat anaknya Khalifah tahun lepas dan ingin mengumumkan kepada peminat beliau mengapa beliau telah memilih untuk menyimpan sel stem darah tali pusat anaknya.
Sudah tentu ramai di antara anda telahpun membaca dalam akhbar-akhbar tempatan tentang penggunaan Sel Stem Binatang untuk mengubati penyakit-penyakit yang sering dihidap zaman ini. Saya berpendapat jika adanya Sel Stem sendiri ataupun yang diderma oleh saudara lain, kita tidak perlu menggunakkan Sel Stem Binatang. Sudah tentu ia tidak menjadi pilihan saya. Kita sering mendengar tentang penyakit ’Bird Flu’, ’Jangkitan Nipah Virus’, ’JE’, dan ’Mad Cow Disease’ yang mungkin menjangkiti manusia dan ada yang telah membunuh ramai - adakah mungkin selamat penggunaan sel stem binatang? Saya masih was-was dan menasihati semua supaya berwaspada. Jika betul ada kajian yang membuktikan keselamatan, kesahihan, dan keberkesanan sel stem binatang digguna bagi manusia dan jika betul ia diiktiraf negara Eropah seperti UK, di USA atau di Australia barulah saya akan menimbangkan penggunaanya. Ini juga jika sudah betul kesesakan dan betul tiada pilihan lain dan juga jika tidak melanggar hukum syarak. Teknologi terkini amat canggih dan mampu memberikan pelbagai pilihan semulajadi seperti sel stem sendiri, buat masa ini dan juga di masa hadapan.
Sel Stem darah tali pusat dan sum-sum tulang yang diderma oleh sahabat kita atau disimpan masa bayi dilahirkan yang sering diggunakan oleh pakar-pakar perubatan telah pun mendapat perhatian dan penerimaan oleh pihak Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam.
Penggunaan Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat juga telah diterima oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Semenjak tahun 2002 lagi kerajaan telahpun mengiktiraf kepentingan sel stem darah tali pusat apabila Pusat Darah Negara telah memulakan perkhidmatan bank sel stem darah tali pusatnya di Pusat Darah Negara di Jalan Tun Razak Kuala Lumpur. PDN telah berganding bahu dengan Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur dimana ibu-ibu yang bersalin di Hospital Besar KL boleh menderma darah tali pusat mereka kepada PDN.
Pada lewat tahun 2007, Menteri Kesihatan pada masa itu telah pun mengumumkan untuk meningkatkan lagi mutu perkhidmatan dan menambahkan saiz simpanan Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat Kerajaan di Pusat Darah Negara dan juga membina bank sel stem darah tali pusat di Sg Petani, kedah. Menteri Kesihatan juga telah berjanji untuk meningkatkan perkhidmatan transplantasi sel stem di hospital-hospital Kerajaan tertentu. Pihak KKM juga telah mengiktiraf kewujudan Bank Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat Swasta apabila telah melesenkan perkhidmatan StemLife Berhad di bawah Akta Perkhidmatan dan Fasiliti Perubatan Swasta 1998.
Terapi sel stem, transplantasi sel stem ataupun pemindahan sel stem telah mula diamalkan di Malaysia lebih dari 15 tahun yang lepas. Pusat perubatan Universiti-Universiti tempatan dan Hospital Kerajaan seperti Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur sudah lama dan sering mengamalkan prosedur ini. Ianya masih belum kerap dilakukan atau diumumkan pihak media kerana masih ramai gagal mendapat bekalan sel stem.
Perangkaan dari NDMP-USA(Program Pendermaan Sum-Sum Tulang Nasional–USA) bagi tahun 2007 adalah lebih 6,000 pesakit mencari sel stem di bank-bank darah kerajaan USA setiap hari tetapi hanya 648 berjaya mendapatkan sel stem untuk menyelamatkan nyawa mereka. Setiap tahun sekurang-kurangnya 40,000 hingga 50,000 pesakit diseluruh dunia berjaya mendapatkan perkhidmatan pemindahan sel stem bagi penyakit-penyakit barah darah seperti Leukemia dan kepincangan sistem darah seperti Talasemia.
Kini, beberapa Kerajaan Negeri di Negeri-Negeri di bawah Negara USA telah pun menyarankan supaya doktor-doktor menasihati ibu-ibu tentang keggunaan sel stem darah tali pusat dan peluang sekali seumur hidup mereka. Peluang ibu-ibu untuk membuat pilihan samada menderma kepada bank darah Kerajaan untuk keggunaan umum atupun menyimpan di bank darah swasta untuk keggunaan keluarga sendiri.
20 tahun lepas, sel stem darah tali pusat hanya diggunakkan untuk menyelamatkan pesakit-pesakit bagi Satu penyakit. 10 tahun lepas, bilangan penyakit telah meningkat ke lebih kurang 10 penyakit. Kini, anggaran oleh Prof. Dr. Colin McGuckin dari Newcastle University adalah 85 penyakit dan jumlah penyakit akan makin meningkat.
Jadi, terapi sel stem darah tali pusat bayi bukanlah suatu prosedur amalan alternatif tetapi adalah prosedur biasa diamalkan dan diiktiraf pakar-pakar dan kerajaan-kerajaan di seluruh dunia.
Sekian buat masa ini......Wslm..WBK.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Today marks the launch of a new international research consortium called Novussanguis for cord blood and adult stem cells. Its founding members, Professor Colin McGuckin and the Jerome LeJeune Foundation plan to bring together key researchers to discuss and collaborate on the development of stem cells for clinical application.
The launch is held in Paris today and I'll provide some insights about it later on. Here's a snapshot of the launch program.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
UK-Singapore Stem Cell Symposium I

Just to remind the world that the UK isn't behind in science (vis-a-vis the US), the British High Commission probably decided that this exhibition panel was important to remind everyone of the UK's key scientific achievements.
So, if you didn't already know or can't read the words in the picture, here's three that you might have confused as a US invention...
1953: Discovery of structure of DNA
1978: Birth of first test-tube baby
1985: Discovery of hole in Ozone layer
1990: Invention of World Wide Web (bet you all thought this was from the US!)
Anyway, I mentioned in my last post that I'd tell you a bit about what I learned in the symposium. My apologies for the delayed write up.
The first lecture after lunch was by Professor Tariq Enver, Professor of Stem Cell Biology at Oxford and Director of Stem Cell Research at the MRC's Molecular Haematology Unit in the Weatherall Institute for Molecular Medicine.

1. Clinical relevance (patient's photos to inspire the right emotional context)
2. Clear introductory statistics for the uninitiated
3. Direct genetic implications of the research
4. A happy conclusion (very important)
The story begins with the introduction of stem cells and their existence in babies' blood. The first question he posed to the audience was whether anyone knew what a "Guthrie card" was (when a baby is born, a small heel prick is performed to obtain the baby's blood, which is stained on a filter paper- known as a Guthrie card- and used to test for inborn metabolic diseases). Prof. Enver suggests that Guthrie cards can be kept for extended periods of time so that if a child is later found to develop certain types of leukemia, it would be possible to identify whether the indications of leukemia were there at birth.
The reason why it is useful to know whether the leukemic cells are present at birth, is because if the cells are present at birth, doctors may choose to treat the patient with different medications as leukemic cells (which behave like stem cells) have different chemo-sensitivities in children. Leukemic cells from birth may require more specific and less intensive drugs than adult patients.
At this point, I feel that it is important to point out the difference between "stem cells" and what is popularly termed "cancer stem cells".
Stem cells are cells which exist in the body and are responsible for continuous maintenance of the body and a controlled replacement of our cells and tissues. The stem cells are known to be "relatively immortal" (ie they live a far longer lifespan than our normal cells, which may die after 7-90days) and are key to our existence and survival of our blood and immune systems etc.
Cancer stem cells however, are like other cancers -cells gone wrong- except that the cell that has gone wrong is the stem cell. Hence, the cancer stem cell does not make other tissues and does not replace cells like it should. It merely makes more of itself, which isn't useful under the normal circumstances.
So, a pertinent question to ask is how do you know a stem cell from a cancer stem cell? Well, Prof Enver believes that there is a lot of talk about "markers" for stem cells, but there is no doubt that these markers have a long way to go in being defined and that the best way to know is to conduct functional studies (ie, to see how the cells really work in real life).
A pair of very beautiful twin girls from Bromley a city in Kent, were the subjects of the study. According to the news story, which was reported in January this year, Olivia Murphy developed acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) when she was 2 years old, while her twin sister Isabella remained healthy. I'm not exactly sure how the case came to Prof. Enver's attention at the MRC (I wanted to ask him but didn't get a chance) but he and his group ended up researching why one of the twins developed the disease while the other remained healthy. Prof. Enver's team elucidated that both twins carried a gene that pre-disposes them to developing the ALL, but while Isabella only had one hit to her gene, Olivia had two hits which resulted in cancer development (cancer usually results from several mutations to certain genes which allow the cells to grow uncontrollably).
They proved to be the perfect research subjects to understand if genetics had a pivotal role in the stem cells, which could already be susceptible to chance changes after birth. The aim of the research, was to discover where the point of change was that resulted in the cancer, and whether it would be possible to design a method to protect the susceptible genes (prevention) or necessary drugs which would target the cancer cells.
There was a more detailed write up which describes how the twin's parents brought Olivia in for fever which the doctors had then thought was tonisilitis. The parents insisted on a blood test and were given the ALL diagnosis. Fortunately, Olivia's cancer responded well to the chemotherapy and was a success, but not without side effects.
The chemotherapy was so strong that her immune system was damaged and she suffered six attacks of shingles (chicken pox relative) which infected her eye and blinded it. In the course of research, Prof. Enver's team took regular samples of both the girls' blood and the doctors will screen Isabella regularly to monitor any signs of the 'second hit'.
According to Prof. Enver, as the total cancer relies on less than one per cent of the cancer generating cells to maintain the disease, this offers a unique opportunity to develop better drugs to kill off this one per cent of cells. He was quoted saying that there could be a day where the prevention of leukemia would be possible as the pre-leukemia cells could be eliminated at the source, potentially curing 90% of the cases detected.
However, no medical procedure is risk free and the strong chemotherapy may result in the death of 1-2% of cases treated. And for those couples with identical twins, you might like to know that nine out of ten children who have an identical twin with leukemia do not develop the disease.
That means that Isabella's chances of staying cancer free remains pretty high. :)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
StemLife Berhad Pakar Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat dalam Program NONA TV3

Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat, Sel Stem Sum-Sum Tulang, Sel Stem Embrio, Transplantasi Sel Stem, Transplantasi Sum-Sum Tulang, Leukemia, Talasemia, Limfoma, Simpanan Krio, Bank Sel Stem Darah Tali Pusat – Apakah maknanya semua ini?, Apakah kepentingnya? Apakah perbezaan diantara kesemuanya?
Assalamualaikum WBK,
Salam Sejahtera kepada rakan-rakan saya sekelian, ibu-bapa, bakal ibu-bapa, pengunjung/pembaca blog ini.
Pelbagai atikel, rencana, dan pendapat telah dan sentiasa diterbitkan dalam akhbar-akhbar serta majalah-majalah tempatan, antarabangsa serta laman web-laman web seluruh dunia. Jumlahnya memang tidak terkira. Ramai pembaca akan mengalami perasaan buta huruf dan kadang-kadang tersesat dalam kegelapan kerana terlalu banyak pencapaian yang dihebohkan, pendapat yang berbeza, serta kontroversi yang tidak dijelaskan. Banyak atikel-atikel ini juga agak teknikal dan saintifik tanpa mengesyorkan bagaimana teknologi ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada kami di Malaysia buat masa ini mahupun masa hadapan.
Saya akan cuba untuk memberi pendapat saya dari seorang pengamal sains dan akan cuba menterjemahkan atikel-atikel serta isu-isu yang tidak begitu rumit tetapi sentiasa lebih rumit dari yang sebenarnya.
Atikel-atikel yang telah diterbitkan di akhbar-akhbar tempatan serta seluruh dunia akan diteliti. Saya juga akan cuba menterjemahkan mesej-mesej dalam laman web-laman web antarabangsa seperti dan banyak lagi.
Sebagai permulaan blog ini, saya ingin menjemput anda untuk menonton program NONA dari TV3 pada 23hb Mac 2008:
Nona TV3
Saya harap program ini dapat memberi anda sedikit latarbelakang tentang topik ini dan akan membolehkan Saya meneliti topik-topik yang lebih teknikal pada masa yang akan datang.
Sekian buat masa ini.. Wslm.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Blogging Live from Singapore at the UK-Singapore Stem Cell Symposium

Its been a long time since I sat in a room full of developmental biologists discussing the intricate biochemical pathways -some discovered and debated heatedly- and listened to the fundamental scientific research performed in the UK.
Organized by A*STAR’s Singapore Stem Cell Consortium and the British High Commission at Singapore’s Biopolis, it was another event which made evident Singapore’s financial commitment to establishing a scientific research base through educating its PhD students and motivating local researchers to aspire to international knowledge standards. Since I did spend a few years in a research position in Singapore, it is only right that I promote their efforts in scientific education.
15 scientists (of which 7 were Professors and researchers from their respective departments) from the Universities of Cardiff, Cambridge, UCL, Sheffield and Edinburgh presented a thirty-five minute summary of their work involving stem cell pathways derived from embryonic cell lines and cancer cells.
All the presentations were very technical (as they should be) and involved the investigation of signaling pathways in the cell.
For those who are less scientifically inclined, signaling pathway research, in plain language is finding out how a cell talks to another cell, and how each of the cells respond in body language according to what is said. Imagine that a cell is itself made up of many components (kind of like organs within your body) and these components need to synchronize in order to regulate and make the cell what it is, or what it is to become. In this case, the researchers were trying to find out which factors affect the embryonic stem cells and make them change or “differentiate” into a specialized cell type.
As always in basic scientific research, as long as governments don’t run dry on funding, scientists will always have work to do because we are still a long way off understanding how our cells talk to each other, and most importantly how to control unnecessary conversations which may spark off a chain of unwanted reactions.
You can find the list of speakers and topics here, and for the sake of brevity and also without having to go into too much basic cell biology, I’m going to give you an outline of a few of the talks which I find easier to explain and are relevant to the faithful readers of this blog. I've chosen 4 presentations (Prof. Tariq Enver, Dr. Phil Jones, Dr. James Hui and Prof. Pete Coffey) to share with you and you'll find them in the ensuing entries.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Viacell chose SEPAX

Well, it wouldn't be fair that other automated systems aren't discussed on this blog.
A burning question you must all have is:
What systems are all the other cord blood stem cell companies using?
Well, last year, Viacell announced in a short brief that they were integrating automation into its existing closed processing system using the SEPAX system, designed and manufactured by BioSafe, a Swiss rival of Thermogenesis.
The announcement stated that:
"SEPAX is the only FDA cleared cord blood processing system. Biosafe received FDA clearance in January 2007 and European CE mark approval in 2001."
The SEPAX automated processing system is an all-in-one machine which is achieves a similar outcome of stem cell separation through an in-built centrifugal technology. It is approximately 14 Kg in weight (2 year old baby) and reminds me somewhat of a large square automated rice cooker (the newer Sanyo versions, that is).
The separation of stem cells from other blood components is achieved in a central core which spins the blood at high speed and through an optical reader, squeezes the separated components into the various compartments until the process is complete (watch the Quicktime animated demo). SEPAX kits are single use (just like AXP) and come with an option of storage bags, although it is rumoured that the kits will soon only come with a single compartment bag as Thermogenesis is revoking permission for the dual compartment design use (business as usual for public banks but potential consumer's angst in private banks).
Let's start with the Pros.
1) The machine does away entirely with a centrifuge (no Beckmann or Sorvall)
2) One unit processed at a time
3) Portable
4) Closed system
5) Single disposable kit
6) No requirement for clean room
7) Used and endorsed by major european cord blood banks affiliated with Netcord*
The Cons.
1) Each unit takes approx 40 mins to process
2) One machine processes one unit at one time
(i.e. if you have 1 machines and 10 units, it will take you approx 5+ hours to complete the lot, more machines = more costs)
3) Possible breakdown of light detector (replacement downtime?)
4) Limitation of single compartmented storage systems
5) Technical oversight to ensure that the initial connections are placed correctly
6) Price (the euro has been incredibly expensive since last year)
7) Service when things go wrong (specialized engineer required from Switzerland)
Both the AXP and the SEPAX have their pros and cons, and as a potential user, I'm interested in knowing the breakdown rates and other problems banks have in using the system. These are usually not disclosed and the user takes on the risk to find out. Unlike public banks which can afford to discard units which don't turn out right, private stem cell facilities have zero tolerance for error as every single one hurts both the client and the company's balance sheet. Additionally, if the system does not work out for the company for whatever reason, the expensive asset has to be written off (may cost millions) which would be an extremely painful decision to make.However, unlike the AXP system, the SEPAX system has been in use for a while and has not released any public recalls of their product. Hence, the only reason that I can think of for its slow uptake in the rest of the world is that unlike Europe, which promotes public banking largely for blood cancer use, America and the rest of the world is promoting cord blood stem cells for regenerative use- hence the need for a multi-compartmented bag- which is a different concept entirely.
Certainly all companies selling the automated systems would stand to profit greatly from entering the cord blood stem cell market. Cord blood stem cell banks can still use generic products on the market, making it relatively affordable to bank as long as the team is technically competent. Now, automated systems will increase general standards of quality for those with less well trained staff (its a matter of practice and the total experience) but it also pushes prices up for the consumer or makes it less profitable for smaller operators. Public banks will also need to campaign for more funds in order to buy new systems and costs of processing will need to be revised from previous proposals.
For now, the small number of options in automated systems commands a forced loyalty as each system only accepts their own product. Many of the stem cell banking services that face the consumer directly will await the day that there is a generic design of standard quality which can be used with any machine, which will be more open to price transparency. Of course, that day may still be far away until either governments have budget surpluses to devote to a huge volume of public banking (when it takes precedence in funding over other healthcare priorities) or legislate to provide a conducive environment for the public to exercise their choice to bank privately should they wish to.
There is no doubt in my mind that automation is inevitable at some point but let's not forget that this is still version 1 with potential to move to version 2. In the meantime, I'd like to see who and how the AXP system and SEPAX system is used in private hands, and whether it is used according to manufacturer's recommendation** to achieve the desired result.
*Prof. Eliane Gluckman's - the first cord blood stem cell transplanter- facility Eurocord uses the SEPAX system, in direct rivalry with AXP whose public endorser is the New York Cord Blood Bank led by Dr. Pablo Rubenstein who developed cord blood storage procedures in the US.
**Manufacturers recommend certain minimum volumes and maximum volumes to be used with their system. Any deviation of this will not result in the promised outcomes, hence clients who are paying more for the promise of this system but don't meet the criteria will still ultimately be getting manual processing (which works well in a competent facility but not in one where the practice is limited).
The point of these systems is also to provide a "functionally closed" system of processing and there certainly wouldn't be any point in using the automated system if you had to transfer the cells from the final bag into a different storage method (e.g. vials) at the end, which would break it into a "functionally open" one instead.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
US Recall News: AXP AutoXpress Cord Blood and Sick Cow Meat

In this week alone, I've received two articles from friends and colleagues informing me on the latest in a string of bad news from the US.
The first article was about Thermogenesis recalling 7,000 of its latest disposable bags custom designed to be used with the automated AXP device, used to process cord blood for stem cell separation.
Thermogenesis apparently failed to perform a quality control procedure on every shipment of the Auto-Xpress units from the time that the product first went on the market in 2006 up until now. The CEO, Willaim Osgood, who joined after the product went on the market, launched the recall after an internal audit found the flaw which was against the federal laws.
The flaw was the failure to perform quality control test for pyrogens (substances which cause fever, including bacterial toxins), which was omitted from the company's operating procedures.
This is one of my concerns in using any new products, as mentioned in my previous blog entry. It's always a real worry when products have problems and the service provider has to explain it to the clients. This is one of the reasons why we're evaluating if moving from a time trusted method to technology 1.0 is something that our clients would accept. Admittedly, cord blood stem cell clients need to be made aware of these concerns too.
The CEO has admitted that "it was a mistake" on Thermogenesis's part and is now working with customers to retroactively test the Auto-XPress units, while the US FDA recommends that any cord blood units already stored be labeled as such so that they will be able to trace any problems if the unit is required for transplant.
According to the article:
There is currently no way to test whether a frozen cord blood sample is contaminated, according to the FDA recall notice. ThermoGenesis is in the process of validating a way to test for contaminants after a sample has been thawed.
While the AutoXpress sales accounts for 25% of Thermogenesis's USD 5.5 million revenue (making it the fastest growing product in the 22 year old company's history), its not the first problem with the bags due to the false-negative results in the first round which delayed shipments. This has depressed the company's share price (NASDAQ:KOOL) down by 6% to USD 1.53.
The AutoXpress bags are manufactured at an outsourced facility in Pennsylvania and the bags are tested at another outsourced facility.
GE Healthcare's Amersham division in Sweden signed an exclusive 15-year distribution deal with Thermogenesis to supply the AutoXpress system worldwide last October.
The bulk of Thermogenesis's AutoXpress sales is currently from Cord Blood Registry (CBR) which collects and processes the majority of cord blood units in the US, though financial arrangements between them and Thermogenesis are not disclosed. The New York Cord Blood Bank also utilizes Thermogenesis's AutoXpress and I wonder how many units were used in public collections since June last year.
Thermogenesis predicts that first year revenue should be about USD 4 million with USD 50 million in total. Based on this number, between CBR, NYCBB and a smattering of other users around the world, approximately 35,000 to 40,000 AutoXpress units would have already been used for cord blood stem cell storage.

The second news article was the US Beef recall that was sent to me via email... if you havent' already seen the nasty video and would like to see what prompted the recall, you can watch it here.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Bioengineering like the movies: Stem Cell Capturing Gadget

I'd hate to sound as if I was brought up on an entertainment diet of Hollywood movies, but back in the 1970's to 80's there was a real revolution in cinematic production and audience interest that led to a cult following of the science fiction genre.
Film directors often take what's probable in science and stretch them to the limits of our imagination, engaging us to just reflect on not only how far we've come but also how much further we can aspire. This next entry is a tribute to the 1987 movie "Inner Space"*.
In a recent announcement, MIT's bioengineers have designed an implantable device that is capable of capturing pure samples of stem cells from the circulating blood. The device is described as "a length of plastic tubing coated with proteins" which has been experimentally implanted into the bloodstream of rats.
The more accurate medical description of this plastic tubing is known as a "shunt" and the method of implantation would most likely involve the severance and reconnection of a small but high through-flow blood vessel. The proteins -known as selectins- attract and trap specific cells with the right signals on the surface (imagine a sticky mat). The cell capture devices are developed by chemical engineers led by Associate Professor Michael King from the Biomedical Engineering department at the University of Rochester. The technical details will be described in the March edition of the British Journal of Hematology.
(personal note: Mr. B.C. this is for you.)
The medical impact of this device could weigh in for cancer patients who may need to use autologous (one's own) stem cells for their treatment. These cancer patients are treated with chemotherapy to reduce and eliminate as many of the malignant circulating cancer cells as possible from the bloodstream and bone marrow. The treating doctor will collect the patient's own stem cells during this period of remission when the cancer load is at its lowest.
The patient's own stem cells are stimulated using GCSF (read about it here) and the stem cells are harvested and stored in anticipation of the possibility that the cancer cells will multiply again, requiring another round of chemotherapy which may damage the existing healthy marrow further. The collected stem cells will be infused back to the patient to ensure that the patient has sufficient stem cells to repopulate and replenish the marrow, thereby restoring normal cell levels to the bloodstream.
To address the concern that perhaps cancer cells from the patient might also be collected in the same fraction as the healthy stem cells (impossible to distinguish during harvesting) this device could lend a hand to filter out the cancer cells inside or out of the patient's body, i.e. the cancer cells would travel around the bloodstream until they reach the shunt, where they would then be immobilized.
Note though, that the inventors have conceded that this device will not be able to collect enough stem cells for a transplant, therefore the customary stem cell collection procedures will still need to be performed.
According the A/Prof. King, the shunt placed in an non-GCSF induced rat in a 2 hour period enabled the capture of 3-4 times the number of usual stem cells obtained in normal circulating bloodstream (approx 1%). Hence the device is thought to attract and specifically retain a significantly higher number of stem cells.
This stem cell number could be significantly higher in patients who have been mobilized.
Well, it is a concept device which will be as good as its selectin coating. A/Prof. King has already forecasted the use of the device in trapping specific cancer cells in the body to prevent metastatic spread and layering in proteins which could help steer cell development processes by differentiating them while passing through the shunt. (analogy: think sticky mats for dust, sticky mats for cockroaches, sticky mats for cat fur...all requiring different levels of stickiness for its target)

The entrepreneurial A/Prof. King has already started a company by the name of CellTraffix and the anti-metastasis implants are set for animal trials later this year in collaboration with bioengineers Professor Jeffrey Karp and Robert Langer at Harvard and MIT who will develop stable selectin coatings that will last over months than days. Meanwhile, the CEO of CellTraffix, Tom Fitzgerald has already announced that the company's first product for researchers to capture stem cells or cancer cells for lab experimentation will be marketed by early 2009, with clinical testing of the anti-cancer coatings in 2010.
Read how a chance encounter between a bioengineer and a haematology clinician gave rise to this work and watch the cells being captured here (note that you will need a high speed broadband connection as the video files are rather large).
*Why does this remind me of the movie Inner Space I hear you ask... well the term cell capturing device often conjurs up the image of a little machine (like the exploration submersible the protaganist uses) to grab and hold onto cells in circulation :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Your OWN or your FAMILY's are always the BEST!
Use your OWN or a SIBLING’S cord blood stem cells and achieve CURE or REMISSION!
According to previously published data, transplantation of genetically-related umbilical cord blood has demonstrated clinical advantages over bone marrow, peripheral blood and unrelated umbilical cord blood. Since cord blood stem cells are immunologically younger than other "adult" stem cell sources, they demonstrate more versatility and flexibility when used in transplantation. Stem cell transplants from genetically-related sources (those from an immediate family member) result in better treatment outcomes than transplants from an unrelated donor and are associated with less frequent and less severe graft-vs.-host disease, a complication that occurs when the donor cells attack different parts of the body. Cord blood is rapidly becoming a preferred stem cell source in transplant therapy (a standard treatment in children's BMT already), with more than 10,000 cord blood transplants performed worldwide to-date.
Dr Willert said: "This study is relevant to any expectant parent considering whether or not to privately bank cord blood stem cells, Individuals who have access to their own cord blood stem cells, as well as a sibling's, have the best chance of treating a blood disorder that develops."
Friday, February 08, 2008
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
Those of you that come here regularly you may remember a previous post about "A unique human blood-derived cell population displaying high potential for producing insulin", meaning that Plureon will be looking closer on to those cells, isolating them and eventually giving them back to the same patient (autologous) to cure the dreaded disease. If JDRF puts half a million dollars over 2 years on this then something is in the making. In the meanwhile, keeping and storing your own PBSC at a young age is probably the way to go in order to fully exploit this new technique when it comes! As an Endocrinologist and a Diabetes specialist I feel that exciting times are about to unfold in front of us. The future is here!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Brain Stem Cells killed by Space Radiation

A lot of the concepts surrounding that of anti-aging first involves protecting and conserving what the body has left to the best of your ability and secondly attempting to regenerate and increase the number of functionally productive living cells in the desired tissues and organs.
In a previous blog entry, I described a face cream by Dior (Capture) which promises to protect and nourish the remaining stem cells one has left in wrinkled skin. If you are a frequent long-haul air traveller (Richard Quest please take note), you might wish to give a small thought to this rather esoteric but possibly significant research study -which was conducted by the researchers at Cold Spring Harbor, Brookhaven National Laboratory, the Kennedy Space Center and the University of Florida- published the the Journal of Experimental Neurology.
For those of us who spend enough time in the airplane and feel that we could have reached Mars and back, we might wish to consider plausible types of protection for the stem cells in our brain responsible for learning and memory.
In the preparative research for the proposed next NASA project to put a man on Mars, scientists conducted an experiment with mice where a single dose of radiation was administered considered to be equivalent to the amount an astronaut might be exposed to during a 3 year space voyage to Mars and back. What they found was that the radiation particularly affected the stem cells in the region of the hippocampus.
"We are going to have to rethink our understanding of stem cell susceptibility to radiation, including cosmic radiation encountered during space travel, as well as radiation doses that accompany different medical procedures," said Professor Dennis Steindler of the University of Florida, co-investigator of the study.
Well, this really depends on how much long haul, high altitude flying you get to do as part of your job. Air crew and presumably flight military will be subjected to the highest amounts of exposure. Background cosmic radiation at ground level have been established at 2-3 mSv (microSievert) which is considered natural exposure. In the plane, higher altitudes reduces the protective layers in the atmosphere which shield most of the cosmic radiation and thus cosmic radiation exposure is increased. If you'd like to have an indication of cosmic radiation levels during flight, have a look at this table on the WHO site. (Note: if you're flying the A380 long distance at 43,000 feet, you'll need to double the figures up by 2)
As a result of this, aircrew are now monitored and their time tables adjusted accordingly to ensure that they do not exceed the recommended dose. The WHO and the UK Department for Transport also does not recommend pregnant air stewardesses to work on flights due to the exposure to the unborn child.
Or we can live near the equator where cosmic radiation is reduced by half.

Come to think of it, maybe those Imperial Stormtroopers might have been wearing reasonable looking outfits for the fight and flights through space to protect their cells. Ridiculous as it may have been (note that Luke and Leia never wore any type of helmet or protective outfit) astronauts going out on a space walk have to put up with much more cumbersome outfits due to the numerous protective layers.
NASA engineering scientists are working on new materials and polymers which confer more protection and estimate that a new spacesuit which will be worn by the super-fit astronauts on Mars will be as light as 21 Kg and comprise of 12 different layers.
Better shielding on spacecrafts are also on the way (using water as an absorbent material) and hopefully, some of this technology will also filter down for use in commercial flights so that we can reduce our cancer risk (bad enough already) and retain as many hippocampal stem cells as possible.
As for the rest of us who are already losing our memory and learning capabilities due to cosmic radiation, we'll have to see about how to potentially replace and regenerate new stem cells along the way without resorting to NASA designed storm trooper outfits when we board the A380 from Singapore to London or New York.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Program on Stem Cell Therapy for Joint and Bone Diseases

It's now 8:34 pm and I'm wishing that I could catch the program on Channel News Asia right now, except that I can't get it here in KL. The program is named the "Medical Touch" and features some interesting degenerative joint conditions and how stem cell therapy can help. If you're able to catch it, I'd appreciate your feedback on the program.
The Medical Touch
Episode 11
The Medical Touch drills down on degenerative bone diseases to uncover the bare bones about joint pains, myths shrouding an emerging silent killer and the promise of stem cell therapy. Osteoporosis starts decades before onset. So do the opportunities to prevent and reverse it. Bone up on how to keep yours strong and wise up on why you should not take your skeleton for granted.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Update on Ryan Schnieder- Cord Blood Stem Cells for Cerebral Palsy
The pictures of the family are very nice and Ryan does look like a happy and healthy child. I took an excerpt from the interview which I thought would be of interest to those parents who are considering storing their babies' cord blood stem cells. Mary explains why storing and using your own child's cord blood stem cells is the best option.
Question to Mary Schneider:
What do you say to other special-needs parents who want to know how they can try this same procedure for their children?
At this point only children with cerebral palsy or similar brain injury, and who have their own cord blood banked at birth are candidates for this treatment.
In order to receive donated umbilical cord blood stem cells, a patient currently has to go through chemotherapy like that endured by cancer patients. Chemotherapy is likely to do significant harm to children, and so is not an option for children with stable neurological conditions like Ryan’s. So it has to be the patient’s own cord blood banked at birth, and not a sibling or other donated stem cells.
To date, seven more children have seen Dr. Kurtzberg. Their issues are all different (as a parent might imagine) and their results vary based upon their previous level of impairment and the viability of the stem cells used.
The common thread is that each child has seen some kind of improvement. Ryan’s results are more than I had hoped for, yet for all the other children there has been a quality of life change on some level. Some of the major improvements parents have reported are in the areas of strength and mobility in both upper and lower body; feeding and gastrointestinal issues; reduction or elimination of seizure activity; body temperature regulation; speech; tactile defensive issues and visual tracking abilities.

Often rather difficult to define depending on which part of the brain is damaged, but here are a few that I found online.
Causes before birth:
Infections of the mother while she is pregnant. These include German measles and shingles (herpes zoster).
Differences between the blood of mother and child (Rh incompatibility).
Problems of the mother, such as diabetes or toxemia of pregnancy.
Inherited. This is rare, but there is a 'familial spastic paraplegia'.
No cause can be found in about 30% of the children.
Causes around the time of birth:
Lack of oxygen (air) at birth. The baby does not breathe soon enough and becomes blue and limp. In some areas, misuse of hormones (oxytocics) to speed up birth narrows the blood vessels in the womb so much that the baby does not get enough oxygen. The baby is born blue and limp-with brain damage.
Birth injuries from difficult births. These are mostly large babies of mothers who are small or very young. The baby's head may be pushed out of shape, blood vessels torn, and the brain damaged.
Prematurity. Babies born before 9 months and who weigh under 2 kilos (5 pounds) are much more likely to have cerebral palsy. In rich countries, over half the cases of cerebral palsy happen in babies that are born early.
Causes after birth:
Very high fever due to infection or dehydration (water loss from diarrhea). It is more common in bottle-fed babies.
Brain infections (meningitis, encephalitis). There are many causes, including malaria and tuberculosis.
Head injuries.
Lack of oxygen from drowning, gas poisoning, or other causes.
Poisoning from lead glazes on pottery, pesticides sprayed on crops, and other poisons.
Bleeding or blood clots in the brain, often from unknown cause.
Brain tumors. These cause progressive brain damage in which the signs are similar to cerebral palsy but steadily get worse.
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