Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Multiple Myeloma Stem Cell Transplant for Beth Morgan

A lady by the name of Beth Morgan was reported to be raising funds for the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF), her reason for doing so was because she was diagnosed with myeloma and given a 10 year survival rate of 1%.

The only procedure that will help her improve her chances is a stem cell tranplant and she has already undergone the harvesting of her own stem cells for a transplant in the near future.

Interestingly, she believes that her cancer arose from her work in the semiconductor industry for four years, handling radioactive materials. I wonder if others in her workplace have also reported a higher than usual incidence of myeloma. Ms. Morgan went to have her stem cells harvested from her peripheral blood at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center and is undergoing chemotherapy to remove most if not all the cancer cells, before the stem cells are transplanted back into her body. Unfortunately, the chemotherapy has affected her nerves, not only leaving her permanently numb in her hands and feet but also affecting her mind.

I really hope her stem cell transplant goes well and that she gets her wish- which is to live to 80.

You can read about Beth's fund raising campaign here.

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