Friday, January 12, 2007

Stem Cells for Spinal Cord Injury in China: Update on Dr. Hongyun Huang

I've blogged about Dr. Huang's work with stem cells for spinal cord injury patients before, but this is a new release on another patient who flew in from the US for therapy.

A lady by the name of Carmen Paulino from a town called Hazleton in Pennsylvania travelled halfway around the world to China for stem cell injections into her spinal cord. According to the interview, Ms. Paulino was paralyzed in both legs two years ago in an auto accident (it's a pretty tragic story about her boyfriend's estranged wife who in a fit of rage slammed into the car causing the car she was in to slam into two other cars, resulting in her severe injury and disability).

The article does not make clear whether the stem cells injected into Ms. Paulino's spine were obtained from cord blood or from an embryonic origin- Dr. Huang has worked with several sources previously. However, the results are interesting. Before the procedure, Ms. Paulino was able to stand with braces on her legs. But after the procedure, she is now able to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom with the aid of a walker. Additionally, she has also noticed sensation in her legs when she rests a cold drink against her lap and a burning sensation in her left toe.

The cost of the therapy was USD 20,000 and the procedure took place at Xishan Hospital over the course of just 3 days. Ms. Paulino also mentioned that whilst she was there receiving her injections, she met other foreigners from Canada who were also there for the same procedure. She had physiotherapy, massages and acupuncture to assist in the healing process.

Ms. Paulino is keen to return for another round of treatment in China which will cost her USD 30,000, where Dr. Huang intends to remove the screws in her back and inject stem cells into those damaged areas of her spine.

Another report tells of a 23 year old by the name of Kirk Green who was left quadriplegic after a snowmobile accident who is planning to leave for stem cell treatment in China later this month. I suspect he might be going to the same hospital as Ms. Paulino for a cord blood stem cell injection. Let's see if he also experiences the same extent of recovery.

There is a website called Stem Cells China which has information on Dr. Huang's more recent activities and charges. I can't verify its accuracy or validity but you can check it out here.

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