Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hilarious Stem Cell Podcast!

I've never tried podcasting but it seems like a fun thing to do if you have all the right audio equipment to make the information entertaining. One of my friends sent me a link to a hilarious podcast by a Singapore based blogger. In this audio clip, he discusses the topic of embryonic stem cells, how lay people may perceive the subject and be used in potentially fraudulent ways.

There are a few points you should know before you listen to the clip:

1) Language used- "Singlish" (a Singaporean style of English, which may be hard to understand if you're not from there)
2) Podcast is based on the recent news that Singapore has made embryonic stem cells for sale to researchers
3) That Singapore does not permit the sale or trade of chewing gum (in effect for many years now)

Wait for the entire clip to download (best on broadband) and you'll probably need to listen to it more than once to pick up on every nuance. :)

If you're a regular reader of this blog then you'll know that I don't usually discuss embryonic stem cells, as this is not our area of expertise. However, it presents a wonderful opportunity for me to reiterate that the stem cells that StemLife banks and uses in therapy are derived from umbilical cord blood and adult peripheral blood, not embryos. Further, our active clients are assured that not a single drop of their baby's stem cell units in the tank are used for any other purpose than their treatment.

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