Sunday, June 25, 2006

Cancer transplants: Bone Marrow and PBSC Q and A's

Bone marrow transplants are often performed for cancer (esp. blood cancers) and usually offered only at major oncology centers. Here in Malaysia, bone marrow transplants are performed for cancer patients and also for other blood disorders like thalassemia major and other severe anemias.

I was reading the National Cancer Institute's website which I thought had a rather informative Q and A section explaining the different types of transplants with stem cells from sources obtained from bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC).

It also mentions donation of cord blood being free of charge, but it does not mention how much it will cost to acquire the stem cells from any of the sources, merely that aspects of it may be covered by insurance.

Do have a read if you'd like to know more about bone marrow transplantation and understand the different types of transplants that a cancer patient may undergo.

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