Saturday, April 08, 2006

Update on Michelle Farrar's Spinal Cord Injury Procedure

The only way of knowing whether any surgery or medical procedure works is to communicate with the patient afterwards to understand whether their condition has improved or not.

In an earlier blog entry, I discussed the case of Michelle Farrar, who went to Korea for stem cell implantation into her damaged spinal cord. It was interesting to note that 4 months after the procedure, Michelle is showing signs of progress.

Upon returning back to the US from Korea, she was able to move her feet independently (apparently recorded on video but I can't seem to download it on my computer) but is for some reason unable to move them now. However, she has shown progress in a few other areas. She can do sit up crunches (good abdominal control), can use the bathroom unassisted and has feeling below the knees.

She could do none of these before the stem cell infusion.

The doctor responsible for her rehabilitation and care has called for a collaborative effort with the doctors in Korea and a large clinical trial. I think this is wonderful and spinal cord injury patients fitting the criteria should come forward to see if they may benefit as well.

Cost wise, the procedure is expensive (as are matching stem cells) for the hospitalization, medication, professional fees and although the doctors in Korea have been criticized for charging for a surgery deemed experimental, I think that unless philanthropists or a foundation would step forward to fund all the costs mentioned, the price tag is really about cost-recovery as opposed to profit (surgeries and cell therapy is expensive due to the level of care involved).

Furthermore, this procedure has to be customized according to the patient's condition and I'm really not sure if there can be "economies of scale" as this isn't a mass-produced manufactured drug.

So far, it looks like Miss Farrar is doing well and I hope that with the stem cells and rehabilitation, she's going to get back on her feet and on with life.I'm sure ABC 7 news will keep us updated in the next few months.

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